Why, when in the world,
there is a natural disaster, they ask us to come together to raise money, but
when it's our own, the council charge those in need for sandbags....
Christchurch Borough
Council in Dorset has been asking locals to pay £30 for four sandbags.
Flood victims in storm-hit
Cornwall are having to pay for sandbags.
In Devon, Torridge District
Council is charging £3.50 per sandbag.
Councils.. They should be disgusted
with themselves.
David Cameron is promising
to set aside millions as aid to flood victims but when you see the vast sums
involved in overseas aid you have to ask if he is serious?
Britain's record national
debt, is estimated to have surpassed £1 trillion.
Factoring in all
liabilities including state and public sector pensions, the real national debt
is closer to £4.8 trillion.
The Office for National
Statistics said public sector net borrowing came in at £85.1bn for the 2012-13
financial year.
Services are being cut in
the UK to balance the books, but then to make us look good in the eyes of the
world we give away £11 bn as overseas aid. Where is the sense in that?
In spite of cuts to public
services at home, Britain’s aid budget has been boosted to £8.3billion a year
and is still committed to increasing it from 0.56 per cent of GDP this year to
0.7 per cent of GDP.
Britain won plaudits for
being the only G8 country to increase its international aid budget.
It is reported that in
2012, Britain sent £27.4million to China, according to official figures, one of
the fastest growing economies in the world - £27million towards improvements to the docks
in Mombasa - £437,500 for the planting of biofuels in Mozambique - £600,000 on children’s TV in Kenya - £3.4million to a project to increase the
participation of women in small and medium sized businesses in Nicaragua - £1.2million towards the privatisation of
utilities in Nigeria and another £80,000 on a study of the link between gender
equality and growth also in Nigeria.
Other projects are just
plain hypocritical. We are paying £53million on a project aimed at increasing
citizens’ participation in the political system in the Congo, when we deny our
own citizens the vote simply because they choose to live elsewhere in Europe on
reaching retirement.
Whilst it is good help 3rd
world countries in the short term to feed, and clothe people who might
otherwise have gone hungry or cold after a natural distaster. Why are we paying
countries, for their governments incompetence.
David Cameron may enjoy
strutting the world stage. But for the Britons getting by on shrinking incomes
the case for vanity projects on distant continents is rather less clear.
Foreign aid cash should be
diverted to help the victims of floods in Britain, according to the UK
Independence Party.
Party leader Nigel Farage
said ''Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that a government's primary
duty is to the well-being of its own citizens,'and called on the government to
suspend international aid while the country was dealing with the aftermath of
recent extreme weather.
He dismissed Prime Minister
David Cameron's pledge of £100 million extra spending as ''far too little, far
too late''
You will find very few
Britons who will argue with that sentiment.