Why are Politicians frightened to give ex Pats the vote
Reality shows that the UK is not a
full democracy. Universal Adult Suffrage is not respected and is even
deliberately legislated against in the case of UK nationals living abroad. The UK
political system is effectively an elected dictatorship in which almost
unlimited power is given to the government to do whatever it wants without
consulting the electorate between elections.
If you complain
politicians will reply with the worn phrase, “If you don’t like what we are
doing, vote us out at the next election” In the meanwhile, they do what they
want, knowing full well that if you vote them out, they will have their turn,
in all probability at the following election.
UKIP is now shaking up
that principle. In France
the mainstream political parties have been severely shaken up after the recent
local elections by the Front National, and the British politicians of the
established parties are beginning to worry.
The UK needs a
system more like the Swiss Direct Democracy, where Manifesto promises must be
honoured, and every major government policy introduced between elections must
be approved by a majority of the electors before it can be implemented and
where the electors can themselves propose policies that, if approved in a vote,
must be implemented by the government. It is time that control of both policies
and politicians was given back to the people.
David Cameron has
legislated to ask ALL UK citizens
whether to remain part of the EU” – but all expatriate citizens who
left the UK
more than 15 years ago are excluded from voting.
In the same way ALL Scots should be allowed to vote in such an important referendum for the very future of their country, and ALL non-UK citizens should be excluded from voting – currently non-Scottish and non UK citizens living in Scotland will be allowed to vote – in what way is it their business to determine Scottish independence?
In the
Politicians claim they want the British public
electorate, to participate in political life, and yet deny in legislation,
voting rights to its own citizens, simply because they have taken up their
legal right to move elsewhere in the European Union.
in 2017, David Cameron has legislated to ask all UK citizens whether to
remain part of the EU, and yet denies the vote to a large group of British
Citizens, to whom it will have one of the biggest effects.